Experience Summary
25 Years of Work Experience
Some Job Titles / Positions held include: CTO, Head of Business Solution, Head of R&D and Logistics, Operations Director, Supply Chain Project Manager, Service Integration Manager, and Supply Chain executive/ consultant
Current & Previous Employers include: XXXX, XXX, XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX
1995 – 1997
1989 – 1993
Motives & Seeking
Actively looking because he left the company last month and joined last September but the stocks dropped and they started to lay off since last September, the company requested for 20%, each month the company will pay 80% and then the 20% a few months later, he had deferred payment until March of this year and they asked to continue and he rejected for Q2.
He is looking for hobs in the supply chain and e-commerce, how to leverage technology to the operation of supply chain
English- Fluent
Mandarin- Fluentt
Cantonese- Native
Interview Assessment Notes
I have your CV / Linkedin profile open now. Could you tell me about you? Your current and most recent jobs and employers?
He has been doing supply chain for more than 20 years, worked in different companies and recently moved to more technical, worked in a company called beebot, a start-up and he was the head of R&D, the logistics side and for the robot, can make the prototype by himself. Can use some prototype, Respify to connect the hardweare, to clean the paths and excessway, do the programming (JavaScript) and AI via Python, worked there for 2 to 3 years and then moved to a traditional vending machine, transformed into IOT vending Machine, as Project Manager, as well as the R&D, make the AI and IOT hardware by himself and made an AI than can identify a lot of people, can digitalize and keep checking by using behavior, vending machines in HK, Malaysia and Sg, can keep track of the government level project which can identify million, to provide analysis whether male or female but identify this person and million of spy and old shopping history and we can do a recommendation base on what they have purchased and can also do some QYC and lifetime web analysis and revenue and predict when would be the next purchase and a hardware to updgrade a traditional vending machine, AI to do the replenishment and shortest route, predict the sales in 1 to 2 days, forecast the actual sales tomorrow, this was with Smart retail. Recent company is XXXX, it is a digital supply chain, but also the transformation of the traditional supply chain and software development, mainly responsible for the AI located in Iran and for the AI, this is their core prodcut to find out the strength and weaknessses and also do some marketing insights to identify which market is a niche market
What skill(s) & experience would you self-describe as strongest and specialist so far?
He is mainly focused in AI and Data Science, mainly developed by himself in XXXX, when he joined the company last September already done with Sentiment analysis, automate the NLP process for the different departments and demand forecasting for coming 2 years and can develop by himself. He is also very familiar with AWS and DynamoDB. Would rate himself 3 out of 5 in NLP (sentiment analysis). He did some projects a few years ago, a recommendation system, the most advanced or current algorithms and also experienced in algorithms more on computer vision and Python and JavaScript, did Iots of projects. Rates himself 4.5 out of 5 in computer vision and Python and 4 out of 5 in JavaScript. He also has very strong supply chain, operation and e-commerce experience, on how to leverage technology to operation of supply chain.
Do you have Project Management experience?
He has 25 years of experience as Project Manager, thinks it is when he was doing e-commerce as operation director, have supply chain transformation project moved from a more traditional to digitalized supply chain, and enabled company growth 4 x in a year.
Do you have e-commerce experience? He has experience before he joined the start-up, he was the operation director of eservice group, manged 80 people, mainly purchasing, and payment gateway.

Employment Agency
Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment.
907, 9th Floor, Silvercord Tower 2, Tsim Sha Tsui. Kowloon, Hong Kong
25F, Central Plaza, Xin Tian Di, Shanghai
Ubi TechPark #01-08, Singapore
Sunshine Technology & Innovation Centre, No.1003 Nanxin Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen
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