1. He is currently working as an Assistant Principal Engineer at XXX. He said that his role is in Cyber Security.
2. He worked as a Research Fellow in Computational Bioimage Analysis at XXX. He said that he automated identification of dental caries and gingival inflammation from fluorescence imaging modality using deep learning methods.
3. He also worked as Research Associate at XXX. He said that his project is about image-based analysis on crop growth using deep learning methods.
4. Rates himself 4/5 in AI Machine Learning & Deep Learning. He used it for 10 years in his current job & previous jobs. He said that he used it for Cyber Security (Image & Voice), Image Processing for Online Advertisement, Medical (micro classified) to detect the Tumor in Image and for Plant Image Analysis to predict plant habit.
5. Rates himself 4/5 in Python. He used it for 6 years in his current job & previous jobs. He said that he used it for data analysis and putting up machine learning models.
6. Rates himself 3/5 in NLP. He used it for 2 year in his previous job at XXX. He used it for processing text data.
7. Rates himself 3.5/5 in C#. He used it for 3 years in his master’s degree. He said he used it to develop Question Answering System.
8. Rates himself 4/5 in Matlab. He used it for 9 year in his current & previous jobs. He used it for data analysis.
9. He said that he is also excited and open working with a start-up company because he also worked with a start-up company.