Experience Summary
12+ years of experience in the industry
Current & Previous Employers and jobs include:
Freelance Developer
Senior Software Engineer at XXXX
Senior Software Engineer at XXXX
Senior Software Engineer at XXXX
Developer at XXXX
Developer at XXXX
Bachelor of Science (BS), Information Technology
Motives & Seeking
Is actively looking for a job right now because only doing freelancing; open for fulltime, part time, and freelancing gigs. Looking for Senior Software Development roles in .Net and C#. Prefers to work in BGC or Makati.
English – Fluent
Tagalog – Native
Interview Assessment Notes
1. Could you introduce yourself and tell us about you? Your current / recent jobs and employers? Previous companies and jobs?
He has been working for .Net mostly Microsoft products for more than 12 years now and has exposure on different kinds of development for Windows-based, web-based, and Windows server as well. Also proficient with MSSQL, reporting business intelligence data migrations like SSRS; these are most of his experience in full time employment for about 8+ years in different company including XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX. Since 2020, he has been doing freelancing, mostly automations, trying to bypass bots securities, automate website, platforms such as ticketing, banking, and security as well. He also has experience doing SEO with Amazon for one of his clients, where he helped make their product popular and on first page on search engines. On top of that, he also does Android automation for different clients including banking, ticketing, dating, and all.
2. What skill(s) / experience would you self-describe as strongest or specialist in?
Strongest skill would be more on .Net development, mostly backend including APIs on web-based and Windows-based applications; mostly he’s an in-house Microsoft developer so he can rate a 3.5 to 4 out of 5 in .Net development in general. He also have experience in frontend such as Angular, Blazor as well but would say he’s stronger on the backend side of things.
3. Do you have the lists of key criteria’s according to the clients’ requirements?
Has over 12 years of experience in software development, has been using .NET, C#, and ASP.NET Core since then. He also has used Azure before when trying to setup a bot for one of his projects but can also work on other cloud platforms such as Firebase. He’s also knowledgeable with Entity Framework, both code first and model first, and SQL Server as well. Has experience with JWT authentication and authorization as well, good with Git, WPF, and Windows Form.

Employment Agency
Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment.
907, 9th Floor, Silvercord Tower 2, Tsim Sha Tsui. Kowloon, Hong Kong
25F, Central Plaza, Xin Tian Di, Shanghai
Ubi TechPark #01-08, Singapore
Sunshine Technology & Innovation Centre, No.1003 Nanxin Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen
Job-Seeker Agreement
The Candidate has agreed that Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment may disclose their profile to potential employers for the purpose of seeking new employment.
Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment will never charge any fees from job-seekers.
Employer Terms
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These can be sent to you on request or can be found on our website: svarecruitment.com.