Experience Summary
17+ years of experience in the industry
Current & Previous Employers and jobs include:
Chief Operating Officer at XXXX
Head of PM & BD at XXXX
Head at XXXX
Blockchain Project Manager, Consultant at XXXX
Freelance Technology Consultant
Project Manager, Solution Architect at XXXX
Technical Lead/Project Manager, Web Applications Architect at XXXX
Senior PHP Developer at XXXX
Web Developer at XXXX
Interview Assessment Notes
1. Could you introduce yourself and tell us about you? Your current / recent jobs and employers? Previous companies and jobs?
He started his career as a Full Stack Developer where he used to work in both frontend and backend for about six to seven years, mostly managing servers and stuff. Around 10 years ago, he was hired by a French employer to setup a team and office for a transportation platform that was operational in UK and Germany; he helped with the team setup, remapped the platform, and developed their mobile application as well. Then he started to shift into management and where he started to learn team management, setup/hire the right talent, select the right tech stack, and basically get things going. From there on, he has helped about five different startups and teams in growing their team, managed multiple projects as the Head of Project Management, and did business development as well. His last role was with XXXX as their Chief Operating Officer where he helped them setup their office in Pakistan; he helped them develop the product from scratch, inception to completion, and led/manage cross-functional teams as well on a daily basis of operations. He is currently working with another New Zealand-based company, it’s a startup and he’s basically serving as their COO as well.
2. What skill(s) / experience would you self-describe as strongest or specialist in?
Strongest skill would be on managing the operations and execution that involves hiring the right talents, identifying and assessing them, and understanding the requirements for a product or project they’re currently working on. On top of that, he is good in setting up processes for both project management and HR side of things, making sure that everything is on track. He also makes sure that he is involved on the business side as well; communicate things with their clients, giving updates, and manage the stakeholders as well.
3. Do you have the lists of key criteria’s according to the clients’ requirements?
He is a technical manager and while he executes the projects, he also keeps himself involved with the latest technology stacks; recently they started implementing AI in machine learning and he’s mostly involved on the higher level of the technical side instead. He started doing blockchain around 2017 and has helped manage 10 teams to get multiple smart contracts, ICOs, decentralized exchanges, wallets, and web/mobile applications. He’s familiar with AI frameworks, both backend and frontend frameworks as well, has good understanding of JavaScript frameworks and databases as well. He’s pretty much expert with startup culture and has setup startups himself, has done technical leadership as well for the past few years of his career.

Employment Agency
Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment.
907, 9th Floor, Silvercord Tower 2, Tsim Sha Tsui. Kowloon, Hong Kong
25F, Central Plaza, Xin Tian Di, Shanghai
Ubi TechPark #01-08, Singapore
Sunshine Technology & Innovation Centre, No.1003 Nanxin Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen
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