WeChat ID: SVARecruitment



Hot HK_Solution sales specialist ERP CRM  $1.3m HKD Per year

Age Range:



Hong Kong


Hong Kong


Experience Summary

Total 14 years. Specialising in Selling Solutions

Current / Recent Employer is XXX for 1 year

Some Previous employers were XXX , XXX , XXX.


XXX  XXX  University

Motives & Seeking


Not actively seeking job at the moment, but happy to open new careers. Because his immediately available



English- Fluent,

Cantonese- Fluent,

Mandarin- Fluent

Recent / Current Salary


$1.3m HKD Per year

$780k HKD per year Fixed 60%

$520k HKD Commission 40%

$50K HKD Microsoft stock per year.

Expected Salary


At least 10% increased from the previous salary.

$1.43M HKD Per year fixed.

But looking for more.


Notice Period

Immediately available  

Interview Availability

Requires a 2-3 days notice

Interview Assessment Notes


  1. Was a Solution sales specialist on XXX HK, focused in Enterprise Account, Handling 68 Accounts. Mainly, MS CRM solution.  Main role is more on Sales and selling mostly AI solution. Has been a Solution Sales Specialist for more than a decade. Focusing in 2 major solution. 1st is ERP Solution and CRM Solution. Has been selling Oracle as well for the past years. Mostly Selling Marketing Sales Solution in XXX for 2 and half years. Always focusing on Retail, trading and manufacturing industries in past experience in Korea. Did some selling as well in XXX , focused in Microsoft ERP, Oracle ERP and CRM software.


  1. Don’t have experience purely in selling CPM or Accounting software. But has an experience selling EPM Solution which are based in Accounting Module. And mostly all the Solution he sold always includes Accounting Module in ERP.


  1. In XXX did sales focused in Hong Kong, did some selling as well in European country like UK .

In XXX which is Microsoft and Oracle partner did some selling around China. Travels a lot focusing in China. Did some sell as well in Taiwan.



Victor Chen

852 6700 6472


Employment Agency

Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment (Hong Kong) Limited

25F, Langham Place Office Tower, 8 Argyle Street, Mong Kok, Hong Kong

EA Licence Number: 62521

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The Candidate has agreed that Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment may disclose their profile to potential employers for the purpose of seeking new employment. Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment wil never charge any fees from job-seekers.

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General Terms and Conditions apply to all requests, offers and agreements regarding the provision of services, and available upon request. These can be sent to you on request or can be found on our website: svarecruitment.com.

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