WeChat ID: SVARecruitment




HOT HK-PH_Data Scientist / Data Analyst / $900HKD


09/ 08 / 2021




Currently in the Philippines, but has residency in HK

Experience Summary

Previously on US and Taiwan based Start-up for a year. Worked as a VP at xxx

For 7 years, also worked at xxx as Analyst(Assitant Manager for 4 years, xxx As a marketing assistant for 2



xxx, October 2019 - January 2020 Data Science program.


xxx , May 2007 - September 2008 Diploma in Financial Engineering.


xxx, May 2002 - August 2005 B.S. in Mathematics with specialization in Business Applications. Graduated with


Motives &


Looking for stability and opportunities in HK,

left previous start-up due to funding problems


English- Fluent Filipino - Fluent


Recent /

Current Salary

Past salary 900,000HKD – 1.1M HKD annually Incentive compensation



Minimum of 60,000 HKD monthly Open to negotiation

Notice Period


None but would take 1 month to go back to HK because of the travel ban.



Requires a few days notice



Assessment Notes

  1. Studied Data Science Program in London, Financial engineering degree and BS mathematics, has a residency in HK, been working for Bank Industry for 8 years, moved to the Philippines working in a Business field. Graduated in xxx Philippines with Honors.
  2. Currently in the Philippines but worked in HK for 7 years, was business manager for 8 years, and realize she wanted a change and move to London to study Data science landed a role at start up at xxx. Had to leave the

start-up due to funding problem. Managed to lead and finished 3 projects to the start-up.

  1. Would say she there’s a certain field the she is expert, covered Data mining, machine learning,

visualization and deep learning for the previous projects. Did a lot of data mining, visualization and has done a lot of project in relation to NLP and recommendation system. Quite enjoy doing NLP and want to get involve and do a lot of things in deep learning. Would say she is 4 -4.5 for someone who just shifted to data science industry.

  1. Experienced in Data Science, used python for previous start-up projects. Very mature in work experience, Learned python and sql in 2019, exposed to machine learning since 2019, use R but not constantly use it, would say she is good and has no problem using python.


Victor Chen, Senior Recruiter & Talent Broker

852 6700 6472, Victor.chen@svarecruitment.com


Carlos Jae, Sourcing Associate info@svarecruitment.com



Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment (Hong Kong)


25F, Langham Place Office Tower, 8 Argyle Street, Mong Kok, Hong Kong

EA Licence Number: 62521




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