WeChat ID: SVARecruitment



HOT_HK Developer, Python SQL Java $28K HKD


10 / 13 / 2021


Hong Kong


Hong Kong

Prefers HK Island and Kowloon as it is nearer and NOT New Territories

Experience Summar

2.5 Years of Work Experience

Some Job Titles / Positions held include: Programmer, Tester, Tech Analyst and E-commerce Intern

Current & Previous Employers include: XXXX, XXXX, XXXX and XXXX



Sep 2016 — Dec 2020

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Data Analytics)

Minor in Korean

Motives & Seeking

Not Active, but would be exciting & interested in find something intersting and not, good company environment, not traditional much or western environment


English- Fluent


Cantonese- Native

Korean - Fluent

Recent / Current Salary

$ 21K HKD Fixed Per Month Fixed

+ 13 Month HKD Bonus

+ Her medical benefits is attractive such as gym / Dental benefits

Expected Salary

$ 28K HKD Per Month Fixed

+ 1 Month HKD Bonus

+ Medical / Any Other Benefits

Notice Period

1 Month

Interview Availability

Requires a few days notice

Interview Assessment Notes


  1. She graduated from XXXX, last year on December and her 1st job is at Cognizant after graduation. Previously, she was a full-time tester at XXXX and works for them as a client, mainly doing manual testing and also making good use of selenium automation testing tools and frameworks.

  2. She specializes in data analytics using Python, SQL and R and used it to perform some projects and homework such as her final year project which was mainly about python. They built an OS application with machine learning model.

  3. Would rate herself 4.5 out of 5 in Python with extensive experience in school, done some hackathon in free time, some working exp in SQL as part time in Computer Technologies limited, application of different data into different circumstances and queries and had a lot of courses in SQL back in school. Rates herself 4.5 out of 5 in SQL and 4 out of 5 in Java which she says would be easy to pick-up if needed.

  4. She has done a project in SQL when she was in year 3, she was in the course and needed to build and manage a library in data and needed to place users who lends books and borrowed books, mark down who borrowed and used SQL for queries in selecting data. It was done in a whole semester.


Victor Chen, Senior Recruiter & Talent Broker

852 6700 6472, 


Jenivieve, Sourcing Associate

Employment Agency

Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment (Hong Kong) Limited

907, 9th Floor, Silvercord Tower 2, 30 Canton Rd

Tsim Sha Tsui. Kowloon, Hong Kong

EA Licence Number: 65675

Job-Seeker Agreement

The Candidate has agreed that Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment may disclose their profile to potential employers for the purpose of seeking new employment. Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment will never charge any fees from job-seekers.

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