WeChat ID: SVARecruitment



HOT_CN Ghana Software Engineer, NodeJS AWS SOAP JSON WeChat API Middleware $35K RMB


19 / 04 / 2021





Experience Summary

5.5+ Years of Work Experience
Some Job Titles / Positions held include: Senior Backend Developer, CTO & Principal Software Engineer, Graduate Research Assistant, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Software Engineer Intern, and Web Developer

Current & Previous Employers include: XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX.


XXXX China

MSc Applied Informatics

September 2017 - January 2019


XXXX China

B.Eng. Computer Science & Technology

September 2013 - June 2017

Motives & Seeking

Not Active, but would be exciting & interested in better career prospects.


English- Fluent

Mandarin- Basic

Akan Twi - native

Recent / Current Salary

$ 28K RMB Fixed Per Month Fixed

+ 1 month RMB Bonus

+ Medical / Transport Allowance / Friday lunch / Yearly Retreat

Expected Salary

$ 35K RMB Per Month Fixed

+ Basic RMB Commission

+ Basic RMB Bonus

+ Medical / Any Other Benefits

He would consider less if there are many benefits in the whole package.

Notice Period

1 Month


Interview Availability

Requires a few days notice

Interview Assessment Notes

  1. He has been working in the IT industry before doing a Master’s in Suzhou in Computer Science and has done a lot of freelance work. His 1st full-time job was with XXXX, a platform to allow the brands to sell in China, he was responsible for deploying multiple services to different clients and was able to sell the license to 4 different companies, he worked there for 3+ years and then as the CTO for the company and left as they have lost funding so he joined XXXX almost a year ago, his main responsibility is building software and communicating with international partners.
  2. He specializes in backend development mainly in NodeJS, AWS and other tools around AWS such as KMS, etc. He is responsible for the cloud infrastructure and databases such as MongoDB and MariaDB, Postgre SQL and he also works with Apache, storage and low menu validation, primarily in NodeJS.
  3. He is currently doing many systems integration in the e-commerce industry. Integration with NodeJS, system architecture diagrams, providing the API specs on the web, backend to backend integration, done with SOAP, API integration and WPS integration, and also transforming some scripts from JSON to XML and the type of integration they do is external system and then creatimng custom middleware according to the system and sometimes using RabbitMQ. He has done support, communicating with project teams in the company and the client, with business and technical teams. He is very familiar with the WeChat API and he does have experience with the business procees and learned a little bit about the procurement process.
  4. He has extensive experience in the WeChat API and requirements. He has done a WeChat mini program to authenticate the user, build an API integration, to send messages from the backend using WeChat, they have also done another project subscribe using the message and work with official accounts API, create the user with the minimum ID and open the Mini Program with their account, and worked with WeChat to do payments and in his current company he leads the WeChat API projects and he is currently responsible for 4 WeChat projects. One of which is sending messages and creating WeChat groups and he did reports to explain the requirements and the WeChat API integration process.


Victor Chen, Senior Recruiter & Talent Broker

852 6700 6472, Victor.chen@svarecrutment.com

Jenivieve, Sourcing Associate

Employment Agency

Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment (Hong Kong) Limited

25F, Langham Place Office Tower, 8 Argyle Street, Mong Kok, Hong Kong

EA Licence Number: 62521

Job-Seeker Agreement

The Candidate has agreed that Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment may disclose their profile to potential employers for the purpose of seeking new employment. Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment wil never charge any fees from job-seekers.

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General Terms and Conditions apply to all requests, offers and agreements regarding the provision of services, and available upon request. These can be sent to you on request or can be found on our website: svarecruitment.com.

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